On Sunday, October 30th 2016 we experienced a divine service preparing us for the upcoming divine service for the departed. Our Rector served with the word out of Colossians 3, verse 12:
“Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering”. Our Rector talked about the 5 attributes the elect of God should have not only acting with them towards the living ones but also towards anyone who already passed away and is now in eternity.
At the end of the divine service an adoption of an English speaking sister took place. More than 80 participants attended the divine service, amongst them 8 friends and guests. The divine service was musically adorned by the choir and some soloists.
Click here to see the photos
At the end of the divine service our newly adopted member of the congregation was interviewed.
Here are the questions and her answers:
Mercy, when and how did you get to know our congregation for the first time?
I was visiting the Divine Services in Torrevieja with my husband. It was on my birthday that Evangelist Laube was holding the Divine Service in Torrevieja and noticed that I could not understand anything as I only speak English. He then spoke to me afterwards.
What was your first impression?
I felt so at home, everything was so nice. I could for the first time hear and understand everything.
What motivated you to visit the Divine Services more often?
Because I love God and I now also understand everything that comes from the altar.
What do you like most?
I love everything: the sermon, the music and the people, they are so friendly.
Would you like to see something changed?
No, everything is ok for me.