Dear Pedro, some months ago you received the ministry of a Bishop. We wish you all the best from the bottom of our hearts, a lot of strength and the help of our Heavenly Father!
1. How will your relationship towards the congregation of Denia change with your new ministry?
Well, two things are about to change: First, now the District Elder Lujan is in charge of the district and second, I will not be able to visit the congregation so often. Other than that my relation towards the congregation will remain the same.
2. What kind of an image do you have of the congregation of Denia due to the experiences which you had so far?
As far as I can tell it is a living congregation with a lot of activities and alternatives and a great support of many who collaborate.
3. What could we still improve in your opinion?
Quite sincerely I believe that fresh wind is needed in the circle of the ministeries.
4. What kind of ideas would you like to put into action in your new ministery? What should be developed in your new area of responsibilities?
I only want to be a tool in the hands of the Lord, a help for all those ones who believe having found a way to salvation, to be one with all ministeries and our Apostles and everything else our dear God will take care of. As for where further developments are concerned two issues are of fundamental importance to me: to show more enthusiasm and joy for our wonderful future!
Thank you very much! We wish you a lot of blessing in your new ministry!