Dear readers,
First of all I would like to wish all of you a happy New Year 2017! Those of our wishes which are good for us shall come true and the other ones not.
Some weeks ago I received a very long compilation which I would like to express partially and slightly adapted:
-Isn`t it strange how long a couple of hours at church are, but how short these hours are when© you are watching a movie.
-Isn`t it strange that it is so exciting when a football match goes into extra time
whereas we look at our watches sighingly if the divine service lasts a bit longer than usually.
– Isn`t it strange how difficult it is to read a chapter of the Holy Bible but how easy it is to swallow up a hundred pages of a best-seller.
– Isn`t it strange that an offering of 100 Euros seems a lot but it seems so little when you go shopping.
– Isn`t it strange how difficult it is to pass on the Gospel of Jesus to other people but how simple it is to spread the latest rumours.
– Isn`t it strange you worry more what people think about you than what Jesus thinks about you.
Sometimes it is worth rethinking habits and things we are used to in our lives and put things in a different, but better position. Why leave things in the wrong position? Why not change it at the beginning of a new year?
Kind regards,
Wolfram Laube