On Thursday, February 24th 2017 our Bishop held a divine service in our community. Our District Elder could not participate for professional reasons. The Bishop served with a word from Hebrew 10, verse 23: “Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; for he is faithful that promised.” With this word our Chief Apostle had held a divine service in Chad a few days ago. At the beginning the choir sang the Spanish song “Talk, Lord, to my soul”.
First of all the Bishop turned to this hymn and thanked the choir for they were singing what we all should feel inside namely the desire and the longing to hear the sweet, tender voice of the Lord. He also talked about people who can achieve much by talking. The same words uttered in a certain manner can cause fear and an unpleasant feeling, uttered differently, in a sweet and tender voice, the same words can cause peace, enthusiasm and hope. This is the way of the Lord`s voice that wants to touch our souls.
The Bishop also talked about the opening hymn “God is faithful” which had been chosen weeks ago already and the one who chose the song, so the Bishop said, couldn’t possibly know which word he would serve with this evening. This word was processed by the Chief Apostle in a divine service only a few days ago and he only picked it recently for tonight`s service. Opening hymn and text went together very well, “…faithful is the one who has promised something…” faithful is our Heavenly Father, God keeps all his promises.
Our Bishop added we shall hold on to the confession that was given to us by Jesus Christ even if there is not much reason for hope in our days. But our hope lies not on human promises but on what Jesus said: “I will come again and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there you may be also.” This is our hope!
The Bishop then talked about a boat lying ashore. If waves were coming it would be carried away, it would as it is said in the text, “waver”, but as it is tied up it stays without floating away. The ones that hope for the Lord, those who believe in God and live according to their faith do not waver!
Our Rector was asked to serve along with a few words. He explained, that a boat which was tied up with a long rope would move in spite of that. Most likely it wouldn’t completely vanish into the sea but it would start “wavering” rather strongly. That means it is important not just to be connected “somehow”, but being “close to the shore”, being tightly connected with the altar of the Lord, with the word of God so you do not get carried away by some underwater drift or by some superficial waves.