On Friday, 25 October 2024, our Apostle Rolf Camenzind conducted a divine service in Denia. He served with the word from Ephesians 1, verses 3 and 4: ‘Praise be to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heaven through Christ. For in Him he chose us before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him.’
The Apostle began by asking: ‘Who is God? Who is our Father?’ Of course, he said, everyone says that they know who God is. But everyone describes him in their own way. Our heavenly Father...
- is almighty
- has chosen us
- never leaves us
- never says ‘I can't do it anymore!’
- loves us
The text speaks of blessings. Which ones are meant? We are not chosen by people, but by God! We are therefore no better than other people. He has chosen us for a task. Some might ask themselves, says the Apostle, what kind of blessing is that? I have no money, I am ill, I am in a bad way. Has God abandoned me? That is not the case!
Verse 4 of the same chapter tells us what He expects of us. It says that we should go our way holy and blameless. In other words: ‘I am waiting for you! - But I will also give you everything you need!’
Bishop Victor Alganza was called on to give a contribution and asked us whether we felt God wanting to draw near to us again and again. ‘This is a constant in our lives!’ he called out to us. God has given us much through the sacraments, through the apostolate, through the sisters and brothers next to us.
After the celebration of Holy Communion, Bettiana Beltrán was ordained to the office of Deacon to the joy of all. The Apostle said to her: ‘A Deaconess is chosen by God!’ He gave her the authority to proclaim the word of God and to give the final blessing, and twice he said to her: ‘God will be with you!’
The service featured the mixed choir, the women's ensemble and a soloist. A total of 94 people attended the service, including 16 friends and guests.
Tapas were served after the service and many of those who attended stayed for a while. Here are the pictures.